Networking change many lives in the entire world . Networking connect devices that also people. It is used to transfer data and forum from one person to another. Before,networking was being connected through cables and wires. However,nowadays it is wireless. Thus, it connect the people and computers widely in the universe. Networks are built with a mix of computer hardware and computer software.
Networking helps people because it provides wide connection and helps some of our problems. It also heps in different field in lives. In students it helps to make assignments and projects. It also helps in business. It serves as their way of communicating and transacting their business .They may be able to check their stocks and and communicate with their clients through networking. In general networking have many advantageous effect for those people who used computers wisely. If their is a positive way of using networking their are also way disadvantageous way of networking. The only thing is that it has cost, it needs money to access such thing. Well, if we want to be more productive in using computers we must connect it.In networking also we may get viruses. The point their is that, their are also some people who abuse this.
Learning networking needs logical and critical thinking. Who want to learn must know its basic feature; must read and analyzed books or references regarding networking. Anybody who will study networking will have difficulty in software and hardware because it has many elements. Then all of its function must perform must perform well and cooperate. The easiest way to understand is to break its components and study how thus it works. Another way of analyzing it is through dividing its layers because it is easy to understand things in concrete way.
The local area network
The local area network commonly known as LAN. It is group of computers connected associatively . It is used in internet cafe and company computers that interconnected with. The most commonly known as LAN is the Ethernet token ring FDDI network.
The wide area network
The wide area network or WANS is the networking broadly. It is the connection of LAN's, so that users from another connection can also with the another local connection. It is commonly use in branches of company so they may able to communicate from other local area network.
Those are the area network connection that area commonly and widely used by everybody.
Networking change many lives in the entire world . Networking connect devices that also people. It is used to transfer data and forum from one person to another. Before,networking was being connected through cables and wires. However,nowadays it is wireless. Thus, it connect the people and computers widely in the universe. Networks are built with a mix of computer hardware and computer software.
Networking helps people because it provides wide connection and helps some of our problems. It also heps in different field in lives. In students it helps to make assignments and projects. It also helps in business. It serves as their way of communicating and transacting their business .They may be able to check their stocks and and communicate with their clients through networking. In general networking have many advantageous effect for those people who used computers wisely. If their is a positive way of using networking their are also way disadvantageous way of networking. The only thing is that it has cost, it needs money to access such thing. Well, if we want to be more productive in using computers we must connect it.In networking also we may get viruses. The point their is that, their are also some people who abuse this.
Learning networking needs logical and critical thinking. Who want to learn must know its basic feature; must read and analyzed books or references regarding networking. Anybody who will study networking will have difficulty in software and hardware because it has many elements. Then all of its function must perform must perform well and cooperate. The easiest way to understand is to break its components and study how thus it works. Another way of analyzing it is through dividing its layers because it is easy to understand things in concrete way.
The local area network
The local area network commonly known as LAN. It is group of computers connected associatively . It is used in internet cafe and company computers that interconnected with. The most commonly known as LAN is the Ethernet token ring FDDI network.
The wide area network
The wide area network or WANS is the networking broadly. It is the connection of LAN's, so that users from another connection can also with the another local connection. It is commonly use in branches of company so they may able to communicate from other local area network.
Those are the area network connection that area commonly and widely used by everybody.
One important word in internet that we must know is the protocol because it control the connection of computers in transmitting data and resources. In simplest form , it can be defined as the rules governing communication of two computers. Protocol is the prerequisite of all network. Without protocol their is no connection in network. But their are many protocols that are used, examples are internet protocol and user data gram protocol and etc.
In general, networking provides a huge help in our community. We must consider networking as the start of evolution of different knowledge in this new generation and to the up coming events in the future. Without this their is no networking administartion insist in Xavier University, their will be a stagard in documenting , their will be no communication in other countries specially to our family who in abroad. I just want to share to everyone that we must not abuse using network so that it will be more accurate, faster and comfortable to use networking.NETWORKING REALLY HELPS AND CONTRIBUTES.